
Student Testimonial: Ashley Taylor at Fernie Fresh Food
By 7 Ravens |
“I just wanted to say think you for inspiring me to take on a new chapter of my life. Ever since I took the PDC at Seven Ravens I have been completely consumed by permaculture, and I’ve been having great success in my own small business endeavours. I just wanted to update you on my progress so far:
Thoughts on Lawns
By 7 Ravens |
Bill Mollison had some strong thoughts on lawns – it’s hard to think about how much water and pesticides are used to maintain the ‘perfect’ lawn. Hopefully in the future priorities will lie with food security instead of grass security ! What we can do is continue to learn and teach the permaculture way as…
Local Author Plants One Tree Per Paperback Sold
By 7 Ravens |
Salt Spring author and soap maker Aly Coy has linked up with Seven-Ravens for a carbon offset initiative for her new book UNPACKED: a memoir of checked baggage. For every paperback sold a tree will be planted at the Seven-Ravens Eco Forest. Coy will help transplant the saplings in the spring, and donate a dollar…
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Find Us on Salt Spring Island
1641 Fulford Ganges Road
Salt Spring Island BC
Our farm is 10 minutes north of Fulford, 15 minutes south of Ganges and about 20 minutes from both Vesuvius and Long Harbour by car; a bicycle trip will take you 2-3 hours as you stop and take in the incredible views, lakes and roadside attractions of Salt Spring Island.